Friday 4 May 2012

Oh how life can be a bitch!

Well as of about a month ago I am no longer pregnant. After going for an early scan due to bleeding it was discovered that my baby had stopped growing a long time before.  I was left for nature to take it course but due to still breastfeeding my gorgeous girlie my body was still acting as though it was pregnant (cravings, dislikes and even the need to dig out my old maternity clothes!)  so I stopped breastfeeding and 2 weeks later things started to take their course.
Unfortunately I had become a bit anaemic and when the miscarriage started my body couldn't cope and I passed out a lot and lost a lot of blood also and was rushed into hospital. I received a blood transfusion and after lots of care from some pretty fab people I was home a few days later.  It was strange and heartbreaking to go through it and I can't help but blame myself for what happened now. But, I have Lydia and Mark and hopefully soon I can announce that I going to be a Mommy again soon.

We've recently been to Barmouth (I'll try and post photos when I sort them out) we had a fab time together and it's what we really needed to be honest after this year so far.  The weather wasn't the greatest but it was better than what most people were getting that week. Lydia and Roxy both love the beach and it was great to play and see them chilled like me and Mark. We didn't do much other than walk along the beach, go to the playground, but we did venture to the swimming pool (45 mins away) as it was the nearest one with a pool for children. We went to one last year with Lydia and she was so frozen it wasn't worth risking taking her there again. She absolutely loves swimming and loves doing the 'holiday swim'. Here is what the holiday swim is: (this isn't me by the way).  When she was born Mark asked me what giving birth felt like, the only way I could describe it was to say it was like I was a fish and I was giving birth to a fish. From that moment she was always our little fish and she has absolutely turned out that way.

We're going back at the beginning of next month for a week, they are celebrating the Queens 60th Jubilee and hopefully the weather will be nice so we can have some proper fun there!  I'm there quite a lot actually this year.  I'll be going back end of July for 6 days and coming back to go to Cornwall with the inlaws the following day for a week. That won't be such a relaxing holiday. They'll be my little family (3+1dog) and OH's son, OH's parents, his brother and youngest sister, his oldest sister, her hubbie and their 3 children! Mad house comes to mind but we normally only get together once a year for a 2 night break (like we did in Jan) so will be nice to see them for longer. His sister lives in Wells and the only time we get together properly is for a special occasion outside our now annual weekend.
Me and Mark are also hoping (well probably more me) to get away later in the year before Lydia turns 2 and we have to pay stupid money to go aboard with her. I'm swaying more to Florida again as our visa is still in date and I feel there will be more for Lydia to do than your normal holiday destination. But it's pretty expensive for a getaway holiday. The other option was to go back to Mexico, we always said we'd go back (7 years ago this year) as it was our first holiday destination together and we loved that week we spent there.  It's where we both realised that we loved each other...aaarr!  But as I said, I think 2 weeks on just a beach for Lydia will be pretty boring....but we'll see some hotels have little water slides etc so maybe there'll be something like that we can choose.

Oh and on the weight loss, I did loose some more but I haven't weighed myself for a while.  I have noticed in many of my clothes though that I am slimmer and trousers are starting to fall down so a belt is needed on all my bottoms now! Woohoo! I hope I can get back to pre-Lydia pregnancy weight before I have my next one other wise they'll be whale watching down at Barmouth next year!

Will try to update more! Bye!

Monday 27 February 2012

Well where to start? The diet is kind of out the window due to being pregnant! I'm trying to be good but with feeling constantly sick I find the only way to combat that is to snack constantly. I had stayed the same but haven't weighed myself for the last week so not sure I'm getting on at this moment in time.

So I'm going to be a Mom, again! I'm not sure how I feel about it in a way. We planned for this to happen but I guess I have some new fears, along with some old fears too. I have had some bleeding, as I did with Lydia but things seem to have settled down now. But a new fear is, how am I going to cope with TWO young babies. I know you just 'do' but its still a concern I have. I feel constantly guilty as a Mom to one as it is, never mind when I have two. I guess that everyone I know feels guilty about some aspect of their parenting style and it is a normal emotion to have from what I can guess.

Anyway I'm due around about the beginning of October, and I'm already hoping for another beautiful little baby who is as magical as his or her sister.
Not only am I expecting but my niece and my cousin are expecting two. My niece is due 1st September and my cousin is 7th September so there are going to be a lot of babies being welcomed into our family this year.

Other things to look forward to this year are, hopefully moving to just outside Shrewsbury into a lovely village location and half way to our favourite sea side resort, as well as the countryside and everything the national park has to offer. Holidays! We are going to my families caravan in June for the Queens celebrations as well as the caravan sites own 40th year celebrations, Cornwall with the other halfs family for a week and away with my Mom and niece for a week or a long weekend at least the end of August.  I'm hoping to get the other half to go away just after Easter too, as we were unable to go this week due to spending a fortune on a night away to London. Which was fab, it was part of my Christmas present to the see the Phantom of the Opera. We had trouble with the hotel booking so had to pay for 2 hotels. Dinner in the Ivy Restaurant and then the following day at Bentleys Oyster Bar and a visit to Madame Tussauds. Had a lovely time and really enjoyed the Phantom of the Opera. Highly recommend seeing it to anyone!

Monday 9 January 2012

Oh Lordy, Lordy!


It's that time again!

Well today was our first day back to 'normality' after Xmas. We had baby sign class (TinyTalk) was in two minds whether to take Lydia or not as she's still poorly but when I asked her (repeatedly) she kept reassuring me that she wanted to go and was even signing 'sign'. So glad I took her as she was happily playing with the other 2 toddlers there and shared some of her biscuit with a new baby. It also seems to have cheered her up and but her in better spirits. I just hope it helps her sleep tonight as she went for a walk with Daddy too.

Dinner time was almost a disaster, I cooked from scratch two curries, one of Lydia and one for me and the OH. I left Lydia in her highchair while I dished ours up (her's was on the table cooling down) when OH's mate came round and fed her some of her food without asking or even checking it was hot!!! She screamed the whole has down the poor thing, it wasn't just warm, it was piping HOT. It would have burned even the most hardened asbestos Grannies hand! Her God Father was so stunned and upset that he'd caused her pain. I don't think he'll go and feed another child for a while.  Luckily enough after he went and with a bit of 'leave her to it' she started to self feed and ended up eating the most food she's eaten in days!

Anyway, I'm off to chill for a bit so here is today's log......

Breakfast: Special K with fresh chopped banana, Tea
Lunch: Cheese and Ham Sandwich with Orange juice
Dinner: Home made chicken, potato, cauliflower and pea curry served with a mix of pilau and basmati rice and orange squash.
Snacks: Tea and custard cream at TT, Snack pot of jaffa cakes x2, 2x handful of peanuts and orange squash

Oh and forgot to put on yesterdays that I had a cheeky red wine :-) x

Sunday 8 January 2012

Sundays blog

Well last nights sleep was much better, sods law as last night Daddy was on duty. Lydia woke once and although I woke too, OH sorted her out. Typical that she chose that night to sleep through until 5am for a cuddle and bottle.  It was a bit sad this morning actually when she woke properly as she wasn't really interested in her much loved 'boobie' could it be that my little girl no longer requires her Mommy and boobie time!? :-( I know she has to grow out of it but it's been a lovely experience considering the very hard time we had at the start. At the beginning it was hard to do one feed never mind make it through a week, but when those hard and very painful 8 weeks were up it was plain sailing, with the odd 'I think I need to switch' moments where I was drained of sleep through teething and when she started biting (Ouch!) but we made it through the other end and she's happy, healthy and so cute! (Bias but soooooooo true!)

Didn't do a lot today really. Just played with Lydia and while she napped with Daddy I did my daily exercise. Daddy then took her and the dog, Roxy, for a walk while I bathed and got ready to go to the 'in laws' for dinner.

Back home now chilling and updating the blog after talking to my fitness buddy.  We're hoping that this week will be as successful for me as last week but better for her this week as her body is in holiday mode still! Fingers crossed for her!

Todays meal and fitness log:
bacon and brie bagel and tea
banana due to breakfast and the huge dinner and pudding that my family in law will be serving us later.
Dinner: two meats (chicken and lamb), roast potatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and cheese, mash, gravy, roasted parsnip and a bit of cranberry sauce.
Dessert: medium portion of winter berry strudel with vanilla ice cream
Snacks: 2 x tea, 2 orange squash, hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and chocolate flakes and a mini cookie

Time on wii: 1 hr 7 mins
kcals burned: 290

Will be better behaved with the food tomorrow!


BTW: The picture of my dinner is half of what the 'MIL' would dish up! Believe it or not!

Saturday 7 January 2012

todays update

Well I am well and truly knackered! I have just completed 54 minutes of the wii and burned 242kcals. To add to that I've cleaned the living room and had an even worse night with lydia who slept for an hour then wouldn't go back to sleep and ended up downstairs with us until 12.30 am the woke every hour afterwards until 7am when we brought her into bed with us. Asda arrived at 9.20 so I had to get up and sort that then managed to get an hour before being up again.

If anyone ever tries to tell me babies cutting teeth does not give them pain or cause sore bums etc I WILL kill them. My poor baby is suffering really badly with these 4 new teeth, more than she did with the other 6 that came together. I hope they push through soon...looks like her MMR jabs will be cancelled next week too :-(

food diary
red berry special k and tea followed by once slice of toast
no lunch hence the big breakie due to time I woke up.
other half is cooking therefore we are having a take out as he won't actually cook cause he's such a lazy ass .

btw I had some jil yim chicken to start and seafood chow mein

ill let you know what I have but out won't be pretty...good job weigh in is a week away!

bye x

Friday 6 January 2012

First Weigh in...

Woohoo! I lost 3lbs! Can't believe it and I'm soooooooo chuffed (did forget to do it before breakie too!)
I don't feel I did much to warrant loosing that much but Lydia isn't having as much milk as she was before so maybe because the breastfeeding is reducing I'm finally loosing some more baby weight that comes with breastfeeding. Either way it has inspired me to keep up the calorie watching and doing a bit more exercise.

Last night was another bad night with Lydia and I never made it on to the Wii again but I have been good and done some exercise this afternoon in the form of walking around the zoo for a few hours.  Lydia's Daddy didn't want me to take her to her baby swimming today as she's got a nasty cough so me and my Mom took her to the zoo for the day so she wasn't bored at home. Was a lovely afternoon too, not too cold and it didn't rain!

Food Diary for today:
Breakfast: Cornflakes and Tea
Lunch: Jacket potato, cheese and chilli and side salad (no butter), Cappuccino (Must add I didn't eat all my lunch either, I actually realised when I was full and stopped!)
Dinner: We'll be having Beef (brisket) cooked in stock and red wine source, carrots, pigs in blankets, stuffing with parma ham, broccoli and mash and gravy.
Snacks: Tea x 2

Noted that I haven't had any soft drinks/water yet! Will try and down at least 2 pints this evening!

Yay for me and my weight loss!

See ya!

Thursday 5 January 2012

Set backs

Well I didn't manage to get back on to the Wii last night but I did order Zumba, Biggest Loser challenge and Active for the Wii. Nor have I managed to get on the Wii again today but hopefully will tonight, then I'll be having an early night.

Lydia is poorly again with her teeth and had us up most the night. I wish it was just teeth and not the cough and fever that came with it last night. My other half had to sleep in his sons bed and I ended up with Lydia in with me, still didn't settle her for the night and she's just gone down with the same prediction of last night re-occurring tonight.

Food Log for today:
Breakie: Cornflakes and cup of tea
Lunch: Bacon and Egg Sandwich and squash
Dinner: Chicken Curry with Rice and Peswari Naan, didn't eat all of it (less than half) and gave the rest to the dog. Orange Squash.
Snack: Chomp bar

I was naughty last night and had 4 digestives and a cup of least they weren't chocolate covered!

Anyway that's me for today....first proper weigh in tomorrow...if I remember to do it!